This hearty and easy-to-prepare pork belly dish comes in a full-bodied gravy of black soy sauce, complemented by the sting from the bird's eye chilies and onions. You will be taken by the burst of flavours of this redolent stir-fried pork belly homecook meal.

Fresh pork belly (五花肉) has the ideal fat-to-lean-meat ratio to temper the dish intensity. I do not serve pork belly meals often at home, knowing that it's sinful and cholesterol laden, but when we keep getting wafts of these heavenly smells from the neighbours, we just can’t resist making ourselves home cook pork belly dish and indulge occassionally. You know, my hubby is really pork-belly obsessed, and when I mention "obsessed", I mean it!
As for me, flagged by the high cholesterol level during last medical check-up, I just couldn't afford to enjoy those unctuous guilty pleasures by indulging on that gelatinous skin, knowing that it will kill me some day. Scooping off the layers of glorious fat of the white lard, I ended up having only the lean meat which I felt more comfortable with (must be all that dogmatic indoctrination from young while under mum's care). :)
Aroma was divine in the kitchen while I was cooking the dish, and it did add some tang to our dinner with this easy pork belly recipe. This delicious dish is a Chinese homey dish that handed down from generation to generation, besides well-known braised pork belly in soy sauce ("tauyew bak" in Hokkien). If you're too hectic to cook at home, you can always find stir-fried pork belly on the menu of many Malaysian hawker's stalls or Chinese restaurants.
Ingredients :
200g pork belly (sliced) (五花肉)
1 onion (diced)
2 tbsp garlic, chopped
2 bird's eyes chilli (cili padi in Malay), chopped
Seasoning :
1/2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
3 tbsp water
Dash of dark soy sauce
Method :
1. In a skillet, heat up some oil until shimmering, add in all the ingredients and stir-fry till fragrant.
2. Pour in all seasoning, stir fry quickly till pork belly is cooked. Serve hot with steamed rice.
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